Food Insecurity & Food Sovereignty
Concepts like Food Insecurity, Food Sovereignty and Civic Agriculture are central to the mission of Cabarete Sostenible. They constitute the "why" and the "how" of our purpose and means.

Food Insecurity
To suffer from food insecurity is to experience a lack of consistent access to enough nutritious food for a healthy life.
The average resident of Cabarete does not have more than 2 to 3 days’ worth of food at home.
In Cabarete, according to a verified survey of 220 homes (~1,000 people) in April 2021, in our community, we found that:
76% of families that indicated being economically / nutritionally affected by the pandemic.
44% indicated having a high level of nutritional need.
31% of families are suffering from severe food insecurity.

Food Sovereignty
First coined by La Via Campesina, food sovereignty is the people’s right to healthy and culturally appropriate food, produced through environmentally conscious and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems. Food Sovereignty is a global movement uniting to fight for food justice.

Civic Agriculture
Community-based agriculture and food production activities that meet the local and cultural demands for safe, fresh, and sustainable food. It is tied to the social and economic development of the community by encouraging entrepreneurship and ownership of our daily nutrition.